LHCA Volunteers

Join us!


Here are the Lake Hubert Conservation Association volunteer officers and board members for 2023-2024. These people put in lots of unpaid hours to keep our lake a wonderful place to live and play. When you see one of these neighbors, consider giving them your thanks.

Janet Webster - President

Liz Martin – Vice President, Women’s Club Representative

Pia Lischke - Treasurer, Database

Jane Laco – Secretary, Website Administrator

Colleen Harris – Communications Director

Peggy Heck – Membership and Volunteer Coordinator

Andy Corchran - Lake Hubert Depot, Technology

Jim Sheldon – Water Quality

MJ Cote - Camp Representative

Ruth Kuhlman - Loons and Waterfowl, Boat Parade

Suzy Yudell - Special Projects

Carl Yudell - Fisheries

John Engen - Water Quality Director

Gary Eidson - Legal Oversight*

*non - board position